#51 Isla
Initial post date: 2015/07/11
Last retouch date: 2016/01/26
Last retouch date: 2016/01/26
朝焼けのスターマイン (Plastic Memories ED)

Isla from Plastic Memories
One of the emotional animes you shouldn't miss. I love how the author gives the story the end.
I spent the entire summer vacation to get to step 9. I was too tired to draw anything for the background.
Later during the following winter vacation, I learned that I can print a single wall scroll for pretty acceptable price, so I retouched this painting and added a background. It took me many iterations before I got the perfect version to be printed. The final version is the best I can do.
Special thanks to my friend A Cai for helping me.
The server girl isla of my server "isla" in Japan
Tags: IslaアイラPlastic Memoriesプラスティック・メモリーズ